Pay Your Bill

Pay Your Bill

Scratch Card – Use regular Robi Pre-Paid scratch cards or easy load to pay your bill

Simply follow the steps below:

Auto Debit – Pay your bill through credit card

Any customer with a valid credit card (MasterCard or Visa) can authorize Robi to adjust their bill to avoid getting barred and enjoy hassle free payment.

Visit any of our Customer Care Centre with the following required documents

*Ownership document
*Valid Credit Card (Photocopy – to be verified on submission)

Fill up the following forms

*Standing instruction Form - duly signed and filled up
*Auto-Debit instruction Form - duly signed and filled up

Or you can download the forms, print, fill in the instruction and send to any of our Customer Care Centre through any representative.
Easy load – Pay your bill from your nearest “Easy Load” point

With EasyLoad no PIN is required for any prepaid recharge or postpaid bill payment. Form your any nearest Easy Load center you can pay your postpaid bills.

Note: refill facility of your account will be temporarily barred following three consecutive wrong attempts in refilling the card.
Bank – Pay your bill to any of our authorized Banks

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